Hi I noticed on YouTube yesterday Patsy Thompson has added heaps of video's. There's a Beginner Machine Quilting series and an Intermediate one too. Here's one of the Intermediate ones if you want to have a nosy. They are all really good and she shares a lot of information on needles, thread etc too.
In the beginner series there's a very interesting 'Spray Basting' lesson. Pasty spray bastes on her wall! To watch her other lessons, search YouTube using Pasty Thompson quilter, as there's a singer too!

Patsy has such a free spirit about her and I like her sense of humor!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful feathers. Her website is very informative.
Love your blog, Leeann - fantastic photos! I was browsing your August quilt show pics and really liked Robin's Christmas Star ornament - do you know if this is available a s a pattern? Sorry to ask you via your comments box, but the email won't work for me!
ReplyDeleteFifiquilter your profile has no email so I can't email you back. I hope you come and check out these comments again. My email is leeannq(at)yahoo(dot)co(dot)nz
ReplyDeleteI don't know why it didn't work for you hopefully you can tell me when you email me. I'll have a talk to Robin and see if there's a pattern.
Thanks for sharing the links Leeann - with all the help out there, I'll be a fab quilter in no time!!