This quilt on the bed was my Viewers Choice, very simple piecing but the colours were just lovely.
There were several log cabin quilts, they always look great. I have one in my UFO pile maybe I should get moving on it.
And a lot of Nine patch quilts as there was a swap of these blocks. They all turned out different.(Yes I can hear all my 'friends' saying I have a UFO of these too)
Red School House blocks, another classic.
Here's a close up from a stitchery quilt.
And another close up from the same quilt. Love the 'button' flowers.
These next Quiltlets (8x12 inches) were a Challenge to make a quiltlet using the first letter of your name as inspiration, and a piece of challenge fabric had to be used too. ( The fabric was a pale blue/green background, with pink roses. The star & pin cushion in the first quiltlet is made using the challenge fabric.)
1st Place, Ngarie Fleming
2nd Place, Raewyn Barge
3rd Place, Kerry Aiken
Highly Commended, Gill Curtis
Highly Commended, Joyce Moreland
Highly Commended, Leeann Hansen (Yay that's me)
And of course the gardens at The Country Yard were looking beautiful. These pink petunia's made me smile.
And we were entertained with music too. Here's a snapshot of the Band in the rose covered summerhouse. What a great day.