The Electric Quilt Company has just added new 'How to Video's' on their website for EQ7.
As well as the links below, I have put the a link on the sidebar, under my EQ7 badge. If you have the software go and have a look, I'm sure you will learn something. And if you are thinking about buying EQ7 then you will get a good look at what the software can do.
There are currently nine Video's, and they plan to add more. The Video's are:
Creating Blocks Without Drawing
Designing a Basic Quilt
Drag and Drop Blocks
Find Fabrics, Colors and Blocks Using the Eyedropper Tool
Help is Everywhere!
Turning Photos into Blocks by Tracing
Using Fabric Scans in Your Project
Using the Photo Layout
Using Photo Symmetry
Thanks so much! That is great!