Still doing heaps to sort out my Library at work, seems never ending, making signs and labels, and will have to re-catalogue some books, but that is boring to you all I know, but I'm lucky to enjoy my paid work so is interesting to me!
Also I have taken on a part time job, helping with a website so I don't seem to have much free time at the moment. But you know what? When you haven't time to sew, that's when you get all these great ideas, now I need to start planning some so they actually happen.
On the sewing front I taught a Crazy Patch class last weekend and it seemed to go well. I was so busy with that I forgot to take photos of it all to share with you! Hopefully people will bring what they have done to the next club meeting to share. I really enjoyed teaching the class, ( has been several years since the last time I taught some patchwork) so hopefully I'll get to do more of that.
Now so you have some eye candy to look at, check out this cool handbag.
The square sequins are actually solar panels, so you can charge your phone and laptop on the go! I love it.
Great how they have made an attractive feature of the solar panels.
Read more about it here.

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