Wow Saturday was our November meeting! That means the next one will be our Xmas Meeting, gee the year really has gone fast.
Here's the Show n Tell from Saturday.

"Practise makes perfect, or at least it helps" so Janet Greeks says. The top quilt was quilted using her long-arm, and the small white one (below) was quilted on her normal domestic sewing machine.
Shelia Udjur made this quilt, pattern from the Stack Shuffle & Slide book from our club library.
Embroidery by Pauline Schon made during a quilting week on Norfolk Island.
Also by Pauline a Cot quilt, as she is going to be a Great Grand Mother shortly.

Crazy Quilt made by Riki Going, read her story all about this quilt below. I'm sure we all can identify with parts of it, if not all.

Close up's of some of Rikki's quilt.
'Momento's from My Recent OE' by Lynne O'Donnell.
Lynne's 16 year old grandson wanted a small gift from each country she visited so key rings were it. When she came home she decided to make them into a wall hanging rather than letting them live in a shoe box. A great way of displaying them and her grandson loves it.
These next quilts are some of the 20 quilts that were made by a satellite group at their recent weekend retreat at Mangonui. The quilts are to be donated to the Womens Refuge.
Well done Ladies.
And lastly here's a photo I took of a forgotten husband, sighted at the recent Auckland Festival of Quilts. He was very comfy with his hot drink and beanie. Is he yours? I know he's not mine as I feed mine a bit more than this chap is obviously getting.