'Corner Stones & Chimneys' by Lyn Madden.

Made by Helen Barrow with 5 inch squares she bought years ago in Hawaii. It will be raffled for her Mother's Rest Home.

Blocks made by Lyn Madden and put together by Kay Watson. This quilt is going to the Kamo Home for their daycare residents.

These are Fidget Quilts made for Alzheimer Patients by Lyn Madden.

Member Kim Cairns is a teacher and she has taught her class to knit. They are knitting squares which Kim has sewn together to make charity blankets. When they are finished the children will then decide which Charity to give the blankets to.

Table runner made by Terri Mills.

Made by Pat Woodman for her Grandso in Melbourne who is a keen AFL footy player.

'Pounamu' small wall hanging made by Terri Mills. Being sent to Seattle for an xmas gift.

Wall hanging made by Chris Cook for her Grand Daughters birthday on 25 November. Each square represents a day in the month of November.

Book cover made by Shirley Julian. It started as experiment to see how acrylic felt burnt.

Book cover made by Ross Baker, it started with a geli print fabric made in a class with Petra.

There were a few more items on display but I didn't manage to take photos of them all. If I missed yours, sorry. I better publish this now before the next meeting!
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