'Spring Delight' quilt top made by Kim Cairns (Square Dance pattern by Martha Thompson)
Kims colour choices were inspired by a gardening magazine.

Country Quilt 12 years in the making by Kim Cairns. Lots of fun blocks in this one, see details of two below.

'Not Too Many Straight Lines'. Class sample made for Template-Free Curves by Pam Carr.

'Wedding Rings' made by Pam Carr for her son Kieran & new daughter in-law Raechel, married in January 2015.

Made by Fiona Carter for her youngest son, who loves skate boarding. Quilted by Wendy Magee. Just the binding to go, and then he will have it.

Goodwill quilt made by the Seams 2B Satellite group.

Book marks made at the Wot Knots Satellite group, tutored by Shirley Julien.

Book cover made by Gaylyn Barclay in a class with Petra Pilkington. Gelliplate printed fabric, that was then embellished with embroidery.

Heritage wall hanging made by Jenny Gough. Printed on vilene using a gelli pad, then stitched and beaded. Photos of Jennys Mother, Sisters attached using textile medium.

An Evening Bag made by Jenny Gough using scraps of fabric, felted batting and tulle.
The guest speaker at the meeting was Charlotte Scott (the slightly mad quilt lady). Charlottes talk covered so much, from how her style has evolved, to blogging and podcasting, and to running a gallery. Please go and visit Charlottes blog (link as above-her podcasts are there too). And if you are near Opua, a visit to her Gallery is well worth it.
Charlotte with a work in progess when I visited her Studio/Gallery earlier this year
The Gallery's location circled in red, just on the end of the Opua Marina.
Busy ladies! Some lovely quilts.I was fortunate to visit Charlotte's gallery a couple of months back, it is lovely.
ReplyDeleteEverybody has been very busy, some beautiful work there ladies.
ReplyDeleteThanks for having me! I was thrilled to be invited and the group members were all very welcoming.