There are several Quilt & Craft Shows around Northland this Labour Weekend, so if you have time make sure you check them out. I'm going to try and get to a few of them.
The Palms Lifestyle Village, Art and Crafts Exhibition
Saturday & Sunday, 10.00am to 3.00pm
Free Entry
Refreshments available.
The Country Yard, Annual Exhibition
Saturday, 10.00am to 2.00pm
Live music, great specials, old fashioned fare, spot prizes and much much more
Coastal Sew'n'Sews Quilt Show
Saturday & Sunday 10.00am to 4.00pm
Ngunguru Memorial Hall (on the main road through Ngunguru)
Raffles + merchant is Tulis
Otamatea Quilt Show
(opened 22 October)
9am – 5pm @ The Kauri Museum, 5 Church Rd, RD 1 Matakohe
(Quilters in attendance 25 to 28 October only).
Final day Sunday, 24 November Entry Fee to Museum $25 Adult, $20 Senior (over 65)
NB:Vouchers to reduce entry fee to the Museum may still be available at Bernina