I was expecting a few more as the Club hosted Susan Brubaker Knapp for a workshop in late May. But I suppose we will see the work from that class at our July meeting.

Fiona Carter made this for one of her Grand Daughters, quilted by Wendy McGee.
This is a lovely panel and Fiona has added borders to make it a great size to snuggle under. I’m sure her Grand Daughter will love it.
I have done a few Quilty things lately, will post about them soon, in the mean time….

Hubby and I had a quick trip to Sydney, to catch up with our Eldest Son and his lovely Girlfriend.
We also enjoyed lots of Ferry and Train rides, as well as enjoying the Vivid Festival
When I did come home I caught up on some of my sewing. Oscar helped by protecting my blocks from intruders (my Hubby!)
Oscar enjoying his Mum being home again!
Hopefully I’ll have more quilt stuff to show you later in the week.
Bye for now.