I visited the display last week and took a few photos of my favourites. There are many more quilts on display, so if you are in town make sure you pop in and have a look at them.

I loved this entry (well I am a school librarian in my other life). I remember having this book in the school library, but it died after having a hard life (popular books do). I must order a new one when I go back to work.

There's a really cool ipad app of the Animalia book, (video below). I think this would be a real winner with young children.
Back to Quilts........There were a few entries made from hexagons,

I loved the 'be-jewelling' on this entry. There was just the right amount of sparkle without being OTT.

Hexagons again, I loved how the petals have been fussy cut. Just beautiful.

And talking about fussy cutting.... this is amazing!

These are just a few of the entries that are on display, so make sure you check them out.
They are on display until the 4th of August.